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Transit NXT Service Pack 11 is out!

Transit NXT Service Pack 11 is out!
Time to wake up from the winter sleep: spring is approaching and the new Service Pack for your favourite computer assisted translation tool is out!
Transit NXT Service Pack 11 is out!
The new Service Pack for Transit/TermStar NXT has been released and with it comes a host of new features and improvements.
New features in this Service Pack
- Additional file types supported: Microsoft Office 365 | InDesign CC 2019 | FrameMaker 2019 | AutoCAD 2019
- Switching on / off signal sounds
- Enhancements in DeepL Pro machine translation: Markup handling / Automatic segmentation setting
- Terminology: Highlighting used target language terms
- WebTransit: Job list columns adapted to STAR CLM
- Additional web search services: Leo | Larousse | Linguee | Woxikon | Corriere
You can find the Release Notes on the STAR Group website in the "Download | Transit & TermStar NXT | Service Pack" area.
Downloading the Service Pack
You can download the new Service Pack from the STAR Group website in the "Download | Transit & TermStar NXT | Service Pack" area.
Updated user documentation
The current user documentation can be found on the STAR Group website in the "Download | Transit & TermStar NXT | User Documentation" area.
What's next
Thank you for reading!
In the weeks to come, we will dedicate blog posts to all the new features and explain them in detail, so stay tuned and enjoy!
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