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Transit NXT Webinars in English and Spanish
Transit NXT Webinars in English and Spanish
There are several webinars and videos on the Web that explain basic concepts and processes in Transit NXT. These videos are extremely helpful to get you started in Transit NXT in no time and shorten your learning curve.
In the Transit NXT User Group in LinkedIn, somebody posted the question if the STAR Campus webinars were recorded and accessible somewhere. Unfortunately, the first webinars could not be recorded but Support is thinking about recording the upcoming webinars to make them available somehow.
There is nevertheless a Transit NXT channel on Youtube where you can find several webinars / videos about certain functions in Transit NXT.
In addition to that, there are several webinars in Spanish on the web that cover basic functions in Transit. These webinars were recorded in Spanish some time ago, so some information might not be completely up to date. Please find the information about these webinars below:
Nombre del webinario | Ruta | Comentarios |
1º: Instalación de Transit NXT | | |
2º: Activación de la licencia de Transit NXT | | |
3º: Instalación de correctores ortográficos (Windows XP/Vista/7) | | En principio obsoleto ya que ya no es necesario instalar los correctores. |
4º: Actualización de la licencia | | |
5º: Desactivación de la licencia | | |
Webinario 1.1: traducción básica | | |
Webinario 1.2: controles de calidad | | |
Webinario 1.3: funcionalidades nivel medio | |
Hope these webinars are useful. See you around!
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