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translation quality assurance
Transit NXT: from CAT tool to ATA
From CAT tool to ATA: developing a Computer Assisted Translation tool into an Advanced Translation Assistant.
Checking for translation variants and source language variants
Over time, translation variants invariably creep into your translation memory and make it inconsistent. Check out the new features of Transit's SP9 to find and erradicate variants in the target language and find translation errors by checking for source language variants.
Webinar about Translation and Quality Assurance
Free Webinar about features in Transit's translation editor that make life easier for both translators and proofreaders.
Under the hood of Transit NXT Service Pack 8
The new Service Pack for Transit NXT is doing rounds on the test track and is almost ready for release. We had a look under the hood and were very impressed!
And the winner is… (2 of 2)
Welcome to the second post about the survey we organised about a month ago. In our last post about the poll, we commented on the priorities that users assigned to the different options we had suggested. This one will be dedicated to the “Others”, i.e. we would like to offer an answer to each of the points made and we’ve only left out those wishes that were already on the list that could be voted for.
Revising with the internal repetitions mode
Sometimes, a project has to be split up between several translators so as to be able to meet the deadline, with the result that internal repetitions might be translated inconsistently by different translators. Transit's Internal Repetition Revision Mode enables you to solve that problem by revising all repeated ocurrences of segments throughout the entire publication.
Assuring quality: terminology check
Terms form the conceptual skeleton of a technical publication. Their correct use is vital for the understanding of a technical text. Likewise, correct and consistent use of the right target-language terminology is one of the corner stones of a good technical translation. But even if terminological dictionaries were used during a translation project, terminological errors or inconsistencies might still occur.