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Transit NXT - What’s new in SP16. Part 1: Transit Editor


Transit NXT - What’s new in SP16. Part 1: Transit Editor

Discover the latest innovations in Transit NXT Service Pack 16 with our series of 13 engaging videos, each under a minute long! In this inaugural post, we highlight the exciting new features of the Transit Editor and Web Search. Don’t miss out on what’s new—watch now!

Web Search: New Services

Using Web search, you can access numerous Internet resources directly from Transit, allowing you to research terms and their meanings. Web search now also supports six additional services:

  • ESCO (“European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations”)
  • France Terme, GDT (“Grand dictionnaire terminologique”), Lingua-PC, SCTA Semamdy
  • Termcat Cercaterm (Catalan Centre of terminology)
  • Call up via the context menu or using CTRL + ALT + W
  • Results displayed directly in Transit
  • Automatic selection of suitable services depending on the language combination of the language pair

Transit Editor: Open all files with a single mouse click

In Transit, you were always able to open all the files in a project in a single, global window so that you can translate, check and revise a large number of files efficiently. But now you can do this a little more quickly: with the new “Open all” button, you can open all project files directly with a single mouse click, without having to select all files first.

Transit Editor: Individual font sizes for (almost) all windows

Previously, in the user preferences, you could specify the font size used to display text in the Transit Editor. Now, you can individually define which text is displayed in which size (“Colours and fonts” in the User preferences). This frees up space on your screen – particularly helpful if you are working on your laptop or have other applications open at the same time.

Transit Editor: Insert text parts in the translation via the context menu

Transit has always offered many functions for simply “populating” target-language segments, e.g. with a fuzzy match or from the concordance search.

From now on, you can also accept text parts via the context menu:

  • Source language: insert selected text in target language
  • Fuzzy match: replace target segment with selected text
  • Concordance match: insert selected text in target language

This saves you having to copy and paste text or having to subsequently delete text in the target-language window if you do not want to use the entire source-language segment, the entire fuzzy match, or the entire concordance match.

Transit Editor: Options for automatic segment navigation after confirmation

If you confirm a segment as translated, Transit navigates to the next segment to be translated – this is, by and large, a good and sensible way to work efficiently. Depending on how you work, however, it may be desirable to view pretranslated segments individually or to edit segments only after confirming them. That’s why you now have the choice of whether Transit

  • remains in the confirmed segment,
  • goes to the next consecutive segment (regardless of its status)
  • or – as before, goes to the next segment to be translated.

You can also work in the same way in proofreading mode, which is why you will find the same options there.

Transit Editor: Automatically insert the best fuzzy match/remain in the segment

Until now, there have been two ways to insert fuzzy matches into the target language segment:

  • Request fuzzy matches with ALT+ENTER and display them in the fuzzy window, select the appropriate options there and accept them with ALT+ENTER (available since Transit’s initial release)
  • Automatically insert fuzzy matches into the target language during import (since Service Pack 14)

Additional option: Press ALT+ENTER to insert the best fuzzy match directly into the target language.

Another new option: after requesting fuzzy matches, the cursor remains in the target-language window (and does not switch to the fuzzy window).

This second new option is automatically activated for “Insert best fuzzy match using ALT+ENTER” so that you can edit the inserted fuzzy match directly in the target-language editor.


In the Downloads section of our website you can find more information about the service pack:

  • Release notes with more details about the described functions and additional new features
  • Current user documentation
  • Plug-ins, XTensions, and other add ons


Submitted by Stefano Cazzani on Mon, 10/21/2024 - 15:02 reply
With the new release, changing font size in editor does not wrok for me. I tried to set all font sizes to 18 instead of 12, but I get no effect at all. Changin color does weok instead. Any help

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