Telephone: +34 93 244 08 80+34 93 244 08 80

We are celebrating!
Interpretation projects for all tastes
So far this year, and compared to the same period last year, the number of interpretation jobs we have carried out has increased by 250%, providing simultaneous, consecutive and liaison interpretation, and alternating between remote and in-person formats depending on client preferences.

Remote interpretation with STAR Servicios Lingüísticos
Do you need the help of a team of interpreters for your virtual events?
Despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic, many companies are working hard to continue with their international projects and, just as before, require interpreters for meetings, presentations, conferences or even trade missions. All of these events are now being held virtually.

Which interpretation service do I need?
You are probably already clear on the differences between translation and interpretation as explained in our previous post. Now it is time to get to grips with which interpretation services are best suited to your needs.