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Increased productivity for the translator

STAR Transit NXT increases the productivity of the translator

With Transit NXT, translators no longer have to learn how to use a given word processor or DTP program. Regardless of the original document format, translators always work in the same environment: Transit's translation editor.

The editor facilitates all translation-related activities:

  • interactive reference to previous translations
  • terminology consistency
  • previewing the resulting translation
  • help when reviewing
  • multiple quality controls that go well beyond a simple spell check

Ergonomic design

The translator can ignore formatting issues and concentrate on the task in hand: translation. Transit's ergonomic interface helps you quickly adjust to the various profiles, processes and working methods. This is proven by experience: translators who have learned how to work with Transit no longer want to use any other tool.

All these advantages for the translator translate into benefits for the customer: translation projects are completed faster, with higher quality and at a lower cost.
