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Client satisfaction survey per project

STAR Servicios Lingüísticos, the Barcelona-based translation company and the Spanish branch of the international STAR group, is going one step further in its quest for continuous improvement.

As of 1st June, the Spanish company began to provide its clients with the option of completing a brief satisfaction survey for each project delivered. STAR Servicios Lingüísticos is thus continually collecting the opinions of their clients regarding the quality of the services provided. The aim of this improvement to STAR’s quality management system is to immediately detect any potential non-conformities, as well as to obtain a more comprehensive vision of client needs and requirements in order to be able to adapt services increasingly to those needs. These surveys complement the annual client satisfaction survey that STAR Servicios Lingüísticos has been carrying out since the quality management system as per ISO 9001 was introduced in 2007.


Via GTMS, STAR’s translation management system, the completed survey is automatically saved together with the project in question, meaning that it can be consulted subsequently. In addition, the results of the surveys will complete the key indicators that measure the performance of STAR’s quality management system. The implementation of this survey is thus another example of the Catalan company’s firm commitment to quality.