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Checking Markups in the Markup mode before exporting the file

Checking Markups in the Markup mode before exporting the file

In the previous tooltip, we saw how to insert markups 'on the fly'. Let's explore some more options for making sure that all markups are in place before exporting the document. Transit NXT provides you with an option of checking markups after translation. Checking markups enables you to ensure that the markups in the source and target language are consistent. You can thus identify and correct unassigned, surplus, incorrectly placed or differing markups before performing an export. Let's see how this works.

After you are done with translation, Transit NXT offers you with a Markup mode in order to check inconsistent and missing markups. You can choose one of the following options and activate the Markup mode from Processing | Markup Assignment| On/Off as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Segment
  • All segments with markups
  • Only segments with unassigned markups
Activating the markup mode

Activating the markup mode


I recommend you to select the All segments with markups option so that you do not miss out on any segment with inconsistent or missing markups. The On/Off button remains highlighted as long as you are in the Markup mode. Transit NXT stops at each markup which requires checking and highlights it in the source and target pane. If a markup has not been assigned in the target language, Transit NXT only highlights the source-language markup. You can then select the text to which the markup has to be assigned in the target language and click on Assign & next as shown in the following figure:

Assigning missing markps in the target language text

Assigning missing markps in the target language text


Use the navigation buttons Navigation button to go to the next or previous markup within the segment or the file. You can verify whether the markup is correctly inserted and move to the next markup. Repeat this process until the end of the file to make sure that all markups are correctly inserted. If a markup has not been assigned in the target language text because it is not required, you must confirm this by selecting the Empty & next option. Select the Delete option to delete a markup that is not required (you might have entered this markup by mistake while translating). The Delete all option deletes all the markups in the segment. Please make sure whether you really want to delete markups before doing so. Let's go one step ahead and see how to work with grouped and nested markups. The following screenshot shows an example of these type of markups:

Grouped and nested markups

Grouped and nested markups


The cursor jumps to all kinds of markups while working in Markup mode. For incorrectly assigned grouped markups, select the target language term (fundiertes as shown in the figure below) and click on Processing | Markup assignment |Ungroup. This ungroups the incorrectly assigned markup. Then select the target language term again and click on Processing | Markup assignment | Assign & next. This correctly assigns the grouped markup back to the target language term.

Grouped markups

Grouped markups


For nested markups, just select the target language term inside the markup (for example, Editor in the figure below) and click on Processing | Markup assignment | Assign & next. The nested markup is now correctly assigned.

Nested markups

Nested markups


In this way, you can make sure that all markups are in place and that you do not get any errors while exporting your translation. I hope this was useful. Do not hesitate to send in your feedback or ask for any related tooltips.


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