Creating Cross-References to Internet links

Creating Cross-References to Internet links
Convert your terminology database into a knowledge-bank by linking terminology to content on the Internet via cross-references. Read on to see how.
In our previous post, we showed you how to create different types of cross-references like manual cross-references, cross-reference fields and automatic cross-references. In this post, we will explain another interesting way to create a cross-reference and we will also talk abut how to delete an already created cross-reference. In fact, this is one of the most practical ways to find out more about a particular term, i.e., by cross-referencing it directly to a web link. As a terminologist, you can create cross-references to Internet links or ask the translator to do this as terminology is added on-the-go during the translation process. By clicking on such cross-referenced terms, the corresponding link will open up in your web browser, thus giving you full information about the term with one-click from the Transit NXT editor rather than having to open a web browser separately and typing the URL.
Creating such types of cross-references is a very easy process and just takes about a minute of your additional time if you have the URL ready. In order add a link as cross-references, follow these simple steps:
- Switch to edit-mode by double clicking on the data record
- Select a field by clicking on it or jump to it with the TAB key
- Enter the Internet address in the Cross-reference field and then click on Processing > Data record > Save as shown in the following figure:
- After clicking on Save when you select the term, you will see the entered Internet address in the Cross-reference field in the data record details which appear on the right side of the term when you select it. When you hover the cursor over the link, it will appear in such a way so that you can directly open the link in a web browser by clicking on the link as shown in the figure below:
This is how a cross-reference to a link is created. Isn't it easy? It saves so much time rather than that spent in opening a web browser and searching for a term.
Let's also see how to delete a cross-reference. Let's assume that you are revising your terminology data base and no longer need a particular cross reference. You can delete a cross-reference anytime you wish. In order to do this, double-click on the term and move the cursor to the Cross-reference field. Select the text in the Cross-reference field and then select Processing > Language entry > Cross-reference > Delete as shown in the following figure. Your cross-reference is deleted instantly.
In this way, you can create different types of cross-references and also delete them when you do not need them. Do try out this interesting feature of TermStar NXT which got even better with the new Service Pack and let us know your feedback. We will soon be back with another interesting post about the new features of Transit NXT.
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