Creating translation extracts and reference extracts
Creating translation extracts and reference extracts
In this tooltip we will see how to work with translation and reference extracts. Working with extracts helps reduce the size of the project files to be translated which is of great advantage if you have to send across projects for translation. You can create translation extracts as well as reference extracts. Let's learn how to create extracts and also see how we can benefit from them.
Translation extracts The language pairs contain the entire text including segments that Transit NXT pretranslates automatically during the import process. If the file is too big, it might be a good idea to separate the pretranslated segments and the ones to be translated. This is what a translation extract does. An extract is basically a set of segments from a file that have to be translated. You can then pack and send only the extract to the translator and when you receive the translated extract back, you can easily merge it into your main file. To create a translation extract, go to the Project | Administration | Settings | Extracts tab and select the Create translation extract option as shown in the screenshot below:
You have two options for creating translation extracts: select the Create translation extract option to include all segments that have not been translated and select the Only use segments which occur multiple times option to include only those segments that occur multiple times (internal repetitions). The extract is created in addition to the language pair. Transit NXT uses the working name Translation extract for this additional language pair which you can pack and send it out for translation as shown in the screenshot below:
To merge the translated extract back into your main file, select Project | Processing | Merge extract as shown in the screenshot below:
Close all the open language pairs before merging the extract. The translation extract is then merged back into the main file. Please note that context of the segments is lost with translation extracts. For this reason, translation extracts are suitable for texts whose segments can be translated without context, for example, lists or tables which do not generally have a sentence context. Reference extracts Creating a reference extract can be extremely useful if the size of the reference material is too big. In this case, only the reference extract may be included while sending the project which reduces the size of the file tremendously. There are several options available for creating reference extracts. Go to the Project | Administration | Settings | Extracts tab and select the appropriate options there as shown in the screenshot below:
You can specify Transit NXT to provide context in the reference extract by selecting the With context option and entering the number of segments before and after the segment in question or include the whole paragraph in the reference extracts. You can also specify the maximum number of reference segments per segment you would like to include in the extract and the minimum quality for the fuzzy match. You can then pack only the reference extract instead of the entire reference material and send out the project for translation. Therefore, with reference extracts you include only those reference segments in the project that are necessary and not the entire reference material. Extracts help you as a project manager to optimize space and send out only those segments that require to be translated or require to be consulted as reference material. I hope you find this feature offered by Transit NXT useful. Do try it out! Please do not hesitate to leave your comments or ask for specific tooltips.
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