How do I create my own dictionary in TermStar?

How do I create my own dictionary in TermStar?
The next free beginners' webinar in the STAR Campus series is about terminology work with TermStar, STAR's powerful and yet easy-to-use terminology management tool. Register now and enjoy!
Tips and tricks for your first TermStar dictionary
Terminology work is “terminology” and “work”? Yes, but the work is easier than many think: Through the complete integration of Transit and TermStar, you can quickly and easily add terminology during translation. The new terminology is immediately available for use in your translation. Thus, translation and terminology go hand in hand, so you immediately benefit from your terminology “work”.
In this Webinar, you'll learn how easy it is to create a dictionary, add terminology to the dictionary as you translate, and use the dictionary for your translation.
We’ll begin by creating a new dictionary. You’ll see how quickly and easily you can add terms and their translations to the dictionary as you translate.
You’ll see how this new terminology is available immediately for use in the translation you’re working on. You’ll also learn the different ways to quickly and easily insert suggested terms into your translation.
Target audience
Beginner translators, project managers, and terminologists
This Webinar is for those who do not already know Transit / TermStar or have little experience with them.
If you want to discover what the most important functions for terminology and dictionaries are, this Webinar is right for you.
Dates and Times
Webinar in German: March 28, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (UTC+2)
Webinar in English: March 30, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (UTC+2)
Register and participate
The webinar will take place online and is free of charge, although the number of participants is limited. To register, simply send an e-mail to
We use the TeamViewer webinar software. Once you have registered, you will receive the login details for accessing and participating in the webinar.
Here are some blog articles that you might want to have a look at to prepare for the webinar:
Creating terminology databases and dictionaries with TermStar NXT (1/3)
Creating terminology databases and dictionaries with TermStar NXT (2/3)
Creating terminology databases and dictionaries with TermStar NXT (3/3)
How to get started with a received TermStar NXT database
Open at heart- Terminology exchange formats in TermStar NXT
Performing searches in a TermStar NXT terminology database
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