How to run a concordance search
How to run a concordance search
Hello! Welcome to this new tooltip about Transit NXT. Today we're going to look into a useful feature that can help you as a translator to increase the quality of your work and reduce the time and effort you spend on it: the concordance search. The novelty today is that I'll include a video instead of screenshots to show the functionality. You can watch the video or keep reading, the content is the same. Wish me luck! :)
Sometimes, when you have to translate a new segment, the translation memory yields no result, so you have to translate it from scratch. The terms in the dictionary will assist you, but sometimes not all terms and expressions to be translated are included in the dictionary. This is the case, for example, of Übertotpunktverriegelung in this segment.This is a typical case in which I need to search for a concordance. To do that, I just need to select, either in the source or in the target segment, the term or expression for which I want to find concordances, and right-click on it. A contextual menu will be displayed, where I must chose the option Dual Concordance.
The Dual Concordance window shows me the segments containing that term in the source language, so all I have to do is check in the target segment how the expression at stake has been translated. In this case, I see that this term must be translated as bloqueo, and I can finish translating the segment.It is called Dual Concordance because I can look up pairs of expressions. For example, if I want to see translation units where a certain source expression has been used in the source segment and it has been translated as a certain target expression in the target segment, I must select them in the source and in the target and launch the Dual Concordance from the contextual menu that appears on any of them when right-clicked. The Dual Concordance window will show me translation units containing occurrences of that pair of expressions.Now that you found the equivalence in the target language of Übertotpunktverriegelung, a very wise thing to do would be to add that pair of terms to the dictionary, so next time you can just transfer the target term from the dictionary and won't need to run the concordance search again.
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