InDesign Gate released for CC 2014

InDesign Gate released for CC 2014
STAR presents the next chapter in a long-lasting story of success: Translate Adobe Indesign Files with Transit NXT.
Translate InDesign CC 2014 files in Transit NXT
From now on, you can translate InDesign CC 2014 files in Transit NXT. For data exchange with Transit, new InDesign Gate plug-ins are available for InDesign CC 2014 (Mac and Windows).
Furthermore, you can now download and install enhanced InDesign Gate plug-ins for InDesign CS 2 to CS 6 and InDesign CC.
The plug-ins for your InDesign version can be found on the STAR Group website in the "Download | Transit & TermStar NXT | Accessories" area. There you can also find the latest documentation on installing InDesign Gate and sharing data with Transit.
InDesign CC2014 Gate
Enviado por Jan R. Eisen el Vie, 04/24/2015 - 03:29 responderEnvíenos sus comentarios