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Linguistic asset management with Transit NXT

How to use translation memories to their full potential

Linguistic asset management with Transit NXT

Beginners’ webinar for translators and project managers that explains basic and advanced project management options, translation and quality assurance functions in Transit NXT, STAR's computer assisted translation tool.

How can I use translation memories and dictionaries for my translations?

Translation memory systems have become mainstream, and rightfully so: they let you leverage previously validated translations so you can concentrate on what’s really new and let the system handle the rest.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use translation memories and dictionaries to decrease the time and effort and increase the quality of your translations.


We’ll start by creating a translation project and importing the files to be translated. You’ll also learn the different options for pretranslating the text using the existing translation memory.

We’ll add an existing dictionary to your translation project and use it for terminology support.

Finally, we’ll show you expanded functions for quality assurance and how to export the translated project to its original format upon completion.

Target audience

Beginners’ webinar for translators and project managers.

This webinar is aimed at participants with little Transit experience.

If you want to become familiar with advanced project management options and translation quality assurance functions, this webinar is right for you.

Dates and Times

Webinar in German: April 21, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (GMT +2:00)
Webinar in English: April 23, 16:00 p.m. – 17:00 p.m. (GMT +2:00)

Register and participate

The webinar will take place online and is free of charge, although the number of participants is limited. To register, simply send an e-mail to transit@star-group.net.

We use the TeamViewer webinar software. Once you have registered, you will receive the login details for accessing and participating in the webinar.


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