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Open at heart - Terminology exchange formats in TermStar NXT

Open at heart - Terminology exchange formats in TermStar NXT

Export TermStar dictionaries into different formats

TermStar, the terminology management component of Transit NXT, is extremely flexible and open when it comes to importing or exporting terminology. It supports multiple exchange formats and simplifies the import / export routines as much as possible. This tooltip is about the exporting features.

Whether you are a translator or project manager, you will have to export terminology for a variety of reasons. You may have to send your terminology from the TermStar NXT dictionary to a client upon request, or your may need to revise the terminology or reuse it in other applications, etc. In this tooltip, you will see how simple it is to export the project terminology from the TermStar NXT dictionary into different formats and you will learn how to use the different exporting options.

MARTIF, TBX, TMX and more

You can export your terminology into MARTIF, TBX, TMX, Excel, CSV or TermStar image format. To export a dictionary, select Dictionaries/Databases | Manage dictionaries/databases to open the TermStar database expert window as shown in the following figure:

TermStar database expert

TermStar database expert

Then select a dictionary from a database and click on the Import/Export button as shown in the above figure. As seen in the below figure, select the Database export tab, make your choice under Select the export format, and then click on the Browse button in the Select output file section to determine where you want to save the exported dictionary:

Exporting terminilogy into different formats

Exporting terminology into different formats

If you select the MARTIF format, you can also export additional information about the dictionary from the Dictionary settings section. For the rest of the formats, you can apply a customized filter you created for your dictionary, select a source and/or target language or only export the source and target language of the dictionary for multilingual dictionaries as seen in the figure below:

Apply filter and select source and target language to be exported

Apply filter and select source and target language to be exported

If you wish to export your dictionary to Excel or CSV format, you will need to create an export script. This is really simple and not as technical as it sounds! Let's see an example of creating a very simple export script.

Create an export script

Let's consider that the dictionary to be exported has terms and synonyms in English and Spanish and you wish to export it to an Excel file. Select Excel from Select the export format and then click on New to create a new export script as shown in the figure below:

Creating an export script for Excel and CSV formats

Creating export scripts for Excel and CSV formats

The Export sequence of language/fields window appears as seen in the above figure. Select the appropriate fields you wish to export from the Language/Field section on the left and click on the select button to move them to the Export sequence section on the right. In our example, we will select the English and Spanish term and synonym.  Select the Field names and Language code options from Options for column header below to display the appropriate headings in the first row of the exported Excel or CSV file. Then click on Next to confirm your selection and save your export script with the Global/Project/User/Customer scope as shown in the figure below:

Saving the export script

Saving the export script

You do not have to create a new export script every time you want to export a dictionary to Excel or CSV format. Instead, you can save the scripts you create and reuse them for exporting dictionaries with similar requirements. The scripts created by you appear in the box on the right as seen in the following figure (in this example, we created a script called ENG-ESP.term.syn):

Saving and reusing the export script

Saving and reusing the export script

Now you are ready to export the your dictionary. Just select the export script created and click on Start. You can delete, modify or save the created script with a different name. The exported dictionary is saved in the location specified by you in the Select output file section.

For multilingual dictionaries with 10 languages for example, you might not want to export all of them. For this, in the export script, just select the ones you wish to export and only the selected languages will be exported from the dictionary to the Excel file.

Note: Please open the exported Excel file with Office 2007 or higher versions.

You can export your dictionary to TermStar 3.0/XV/NXT image format for subsequent import of the dictionary into TermStar NXT on another computer. In one of our next tooltips, we will see how to import terminology into TermStar NXT.

I hope this tooltip was useful. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have regarding this topic. See you next week with another practical and interesting tooltip!


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