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Transferring terms from the dictionary

Keyboard shortcuts in Transit NXT

Transferring terms from the dictionary

Tooltip about the different key combinations that allow you to insert terminology with simple keystrokes while translating in Transit's translation editor. Saves time, helps avoid typos, boosts translator productivity.

Welcome to a new tooltip about Transit NXT. This time we will learn how to transfer terms automatically from the dictionary, rather than typing them manually. Having one or more dictionaries has two main advantages: you will not spend time searching for terminology in the target language (you should be happy), and you will be using the terms that you are expected to use (the client should be happy). However, a dictionary can be used in different ways. Let's see the simplest procedure.

For TermStar dictionaries to be useful for the translator, they must have pairs of terms in the source and the target languages. When a new segment contains a term that is in the dictionary, by default it will be displayed in the Terminology window and it will be highlighted in yellow in the segment as shown in the figure below:

Terminology window

To insert the target language equivalence of the term in your target language text, position the cursor just before the highlighted term in the target segment (or anywhere between the boundaries of the term) and press the key combination Alt+T. The target term will replace the source term in the target segment as shown in the figure below (compare the figure below with the one above to clearly see how the term from the dictionary was inserted into the target language segment):

Transfering terms

The dictionary normally normally includes the dictionary form of terms, so after you insert the target term in your translation, it might need to be inflected, conjugated, declinated, etc. as applicable. You can also can change the initial letter of the term or expression (from lower case to upper case or vice versa) pressing the shift key (i.e. Alt+Shift+T).

In addition to these shortcuts, you can also use the following two shortcuts which can be quite handy when working with a dictionary containing a lot of terms:

1. ALT + K, <letter>: Select the term from the dictionary to replace it in the target language segment when there are several dictionary terms. <letter> refers to the letter which is associated to the term, as you can see in the figure below. For example, the term setup has two translations, each of which has a letter associated to it (A - Configurar, B - configuración). The shortcut ALT + K, will directly insert Configurar in the target language segment. Use the shortcut ALT + K, SHIFT + <letter> to change the case of the term to be replaced.


2. ALT + G, <letter> Use this shortcut to insert the term in the target language without replacing the original target language term. The advantage of this key combination is that you can insert the desired target term in any position of the cursor, you don't need to locate the cursor within the boundaries of the source language term. For example, the term setup will be will be preceeded by the insertion Configurar by using the shortcut ALT + G, A as seen in the figure below. Use the shortcut ALT + G, SHIFT + <letter> to change the case of the term to be replaced.


Transfering terms from the dictionary with a shortcut will make your life easier and will increase the quality of your work. Shortcuts help you save time because pressing a key combination is always faster than typing text, however short the term is, and you will avoid typos simply because you do not have to type the term character by character. If you forget the shortcut, you could also double-click the letter to the left of the term in the Terminology window (each target term has one), with practically the same result.

And that's all beginners need to know/do to translate terms which are included in the dictionary. The moral of the story is that learning the important shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Also, the more populated your dictionaries are, the less searching and typing work you will have to do. I hope this helps you make a more efficient use of Transit NXT. Thanks for reading, and please do not hesitate to send your comments or questions or to ask for specific tooltips.


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