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Use revision control in Transit NXT to the maximum

Tracking changes in computer assisted translation

Use revision control in Transit NXT to the maximum

This is a short add-on to our previous blog post about tracking changes in STAR's computer assisted translation tool Transit NXT. It explains additional features related to the revision control function that you might find helpful.

Additional features related to revision control in Transit NXT

There are some features related to revision control in Transit NXT that we left out of our last post in order to keep it brief. Nevertheless, these features are extremely useful and allow you to take advantage of the full potential of the revision control function. So, let's explore them now.

Navigate between revised segments with key combinations

Transit NXT lets you jump swiftly from one revised segment to another by means of simple key combinations:

Revision control 03_Navigate between revised segments

  • Shift+Plus (keypad) - Jump to the next revised segment
  • Shift+Minus (keypad) - Jump to the previous revised segment

Show revised segments with a different background colour

Once you have created and saved a segment filter to show only Segments with revisions (explained in the previous post), you can assign a different background colour to revised segments. To do so, select Colours | Segments | According to filter in the View tab and then select the previously-saved filter in the Select filter for colours dialogue box:

Revision control 04_Assign colours to revised segments

In the above screenshot, the revised segments are highlighted with a pale red background colour.

Include information about revised segments in Transit NXT's quality report

You can include the following information about the revised segments in Transit NXT's quality report:

  • All or only selected revision steps
  • The user that implemented the changes / revision (per segment)
  • The timestamp of the revision (per segment)

To do this, go to the Statistics tab, click on Project or Current in the Quality section and choose your options in the Quality report dialogue box:

Revision control Create Quality Report with information about revisions

The resulting Quality report can be saved as an HTML file and opened in any browser. The following screenshot shows an example of the revision information that appears in the report:

Revision control Quality Report with information about revisions

Clicking on the segment number in the Quality report will automatically take you to the segment in question in Transit.

We hope you find these additional track changes / revision control features helpful. Let us know what you think and if you would like us to cover a specific topic on our blog. Thank you for reading!



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