Using colour to distinguish text according to status in the exported files
Using colour to distinguish text according to status in the exported files
Welcome to a new tooltip about Transit NXT. This time we'll see how to export an unfinished translation using colours to distinguish the parts of the text according to the level of intervention they have been subjected to (for example, to make out translated text from as yet untranslated text). When could this be useful? Well, let's consider an example: a client wants to review only the newly translated part of the text, and he considers that the review will be more conveniently done in the original format to have a very clear picture of the layout and the text's visual display and arrangement.
Here's how to proceed. Go to Export, and in the Export project dialog, before you press the Start export button, select the option Color for segment status. You must also select whether you want to distinguish among the current statuses or the statuses that segments had right after import.
Following our example, if you want to distinguish between new segments and segments which had been translated in previous projects (in other words, between new and pretranslated segments), select Status after import. In the exported document, old text will be in black and new text will be in blue.
In the user preferences, you may want to check or change the colours assigned to a particular segment status.
And that's all for now, I hope this has been useful. Thanks for reading, and please do not hesitate to send your comments or questions or to ask for specific tooltips. Special thanks to Karen Ellis for reviewing this post.
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