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Using reference material from an inverse language combination

Using reference material from an inverse language combination

Ever did a translation in one language combination that you wanted to use as reference material of a new translation in the opposite language combination? That's very easy. In a nutshell, you must open the language pair from a project having the opposite language combination and change the status for all the segments in the source file. If you want to see what needs to be done in more detail, keep on reading. 

In Transit NXT, the reference material is the set of files from where both pretranslation and fuzzy matches come, when creating the project and when translating, respectively. As you know, segments in Transit NXT language pairs have a number of attributes, including status (Translated, Checked 1, etc.), not unlike the state attribute in XLIFF files. In order to leverage a reference segment to pretranslate or assist translating a new segment, by default its status must be at least Translated. You can check or change this setting in the project settings, tab Pretranslation:

Default minimum status for pretranslation: Translated

Default minimum status for pretranslation: Translated or in the User preferences, section Dual fuzzy:

Minimum status for fuzzy matches

Default minimum status for fuzzy matches: Translated

So, now imagine we did a translation ENG-ESP, which we will call project 1. We have that reference material (the language pairs) from that project and we are now faced with a new translation in the inverse combination, ESP-ENG, which we will call project 2. When a document is converted into a Transit NXT language pair, the segments in the source file do not, and do not need, any status information. In other words, all source segments have status Not translated. If we want to use project 1 as reference material, we need to change the status for all segments and set it to Translated (at least), otherwise the reference material leverage would be zero for pretranslation or the translation memory. Therefore, we need to open the language pairs from project 1 in Transit NXT and change the status of all segments in the source file. The easiest way is to open them from project 2, using the Browse button in the Open language pairs dialog.

Browse your disk for other files to open in the project.

Open language pairs | Browse


When we browse the folder containing the language pairs that we want to open, we will only see the files corresponding to the source language of the project from which we are browsing. In our case, you just need to select the ESP files.

Select the source file to open a language pair

Select the source file to open a language pair


When you open the language pair, you will see that the target segments have no status information (either in the status column, or the color of the segment, or in the status bar below). Instead, you can see that the source file does instead have status information in all segments.

Changing the file status

Changing the file status

You must change the status for the whole target file (don't get confused: what was originally the source is now the target). You do that in the menu Review | Proofreading section | File status, choosing the Translated option.

Changing the file status

Changing the file status


That's it! And that’s all for now. Thank you for your attention and see you in the next tooltip.


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